
"Latin and Greek in Medicine A textbook with exercises"

Aimed at English-speaking students of medicine, this textbook has evolved from the Author’s long-standing experience in teaching Latin at the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. The contents, including grammar and vocabulary, are arranged specifically to help achieve the elusive goal of mastering basic medical Latin in the few hours allocated for that purpose in medical school curricula. Latin and Greek in Medicine may also be used in both teaching and studying medical English.

The textbook consists of nine chapters with grammatical and lexical material to be covered in separate classes. Each chapter starts with a theoretical introduction to a particular topic, continues with practical exercises to reinforce the command of given structures, and ends with Latin proverbs and sayings, which serve to broaden the student’s general knowledge and bring the much-needed variety. There is also a self-assessment test with the answer key and five useful appendices: the rules of Latin restituted pronunciation, a list of the Latin proverbs and sayings included in the book together with their English translations; a table with numerals; rules for forming comparative and superlative adjectives in Latin; and a list of Latin and Greek words used in English medical terminology. You can look up words and phrases used in the exercises in the Latin-English glossary of terms including also English pronunciation.I am very grateful to my colleagues and English teachers at the Centre for Foreign Languages at the Medical University of Warsaw, namely to Joanna Moczyńska for proofreading the English text and thus contributing to the final shape of this book, as well as to Ewa Ratajska for her help I can always count on.I am indebted to Rev. Marek Kozera, Assistant Professor at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin for his friendly review and very helpful suggestions. I would also like to thank my Hungarian colleague Emőke Takácsné Tóth, Latin and English teacher at the Foreign Language Department of the Medical Faculty at the University of Debrecen, for inspiring many exercises in this textbook.